Health and wellness trends come and go, but one thing that always stays in style is becoming and staying healthy. Some of the most impactful wellness trends of the past decade have one thing in common: approaching health from a whole-person perspective. One of the reasons this whole-person approach may be more popular compared to fad diets and quick results is the easy-to-follow daily routines and rituals that add up. Living a healthy lifestyle in 2023 incorporates diet and nutrition, daily exercise, mindfulness and meditation, and restful sleep. But a healthy lifestyle also includes showing yourself grace, focusing on self-care, and healing your inner child.
Why Are Wellness Trends Popular?
Even though wellness and health aren’t new, the focus and attention towards becoming healthy have played a more prominent role in our global society in the last twenty years. Studies have shown that younger generations are more health-conscious than previous generations. With greater access to information about health and wellness, changing attitudes, and increased awareness of the importance of staying healthy, younger generations are paving the way for future generations.
What Does It Mean?
For those newer to the wellness bandwagon, some popular wellness phrases and trends may need to be clarified. A desire to be healthy encompasses six key areas, including physical, mental, emotional, environmental, spiritual, and social. Common wellness phrases such as mindfulness, holistic health, self-care, etc. But what do they all mean?
The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices, and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health. Wellness is more than just good health; it’s a personal choice that requires you to choose to maintain wellness actively.
Holistic Health
Holistic health, while being a state of wellness, is a more well-rounded approach to becoming healthy. “Holistic health is a concept that medical practice, in the prevention and treatment of disease, should focus on the whole person—including physical, mental, spiritual, social, and environmental aspects—rather than on disease symptoms alone. Major features of holistic health include patient education about behavioral and attitudinal changes that promote and maintain good health and well-being and patient self-help and participation in the healing process through diet, exercise, and other measures. It is often practiced in tandem with conventional medicine (e.g., medication, surgery) and with complementary and alternative medicine.”
It is a common saying that “there’s no better time than the present,” and mindfulness focuses you on that. Mindfulness is the practice of focusing on the present moment, using all five senses to stay in the present moment. It helps you remain aware of your thoughts, body, senses, environment, and feelings.
Some people have a tough time with self-care. The most common reason is that they feel selfish performing acts of self-care. However, self-care is a positive thing. “Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day.” Self-care practices may include mindfully eating a healthy meal, taking a bubble bath, treating yourself to a new book or magazine, spending time in nature, or carving out time for a long walk. Self-care is a way for you to deal with daily stressors.
Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword used on social media. To be authentic is to be true to your values, spirit, and personality. Authenticity allows you to stay true to yourself no matter what or who pressures you to be different.
Inner Child
As mental health issues become less taboo and more widely accepted, the term inner child has gained popularity. Your “inner child” is a part of your subconscious that has been picking up messages way before it could fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). It holds emotions, memories, and beliefs from the past and hopes and dreams for the future. Many adults working through mental health issues, past traumas, and how they handle current challenges have discovered that their inner child plays a role in their present and future selves.
Allowing yourself or giving someone else grace provides relief during tension. Grace is not only accepting a current situation but requires action after. Giving yourself grace after making a mistake may look like taking a moment to recognize you are human and you made a mistake. You don’t blame yourself for making a mistake; instead, you take responsibility for it. Giving someone else grace is compassion.
Popular Wellness Trends
Even though it may seem like a fad, the importance of wellness isn’t going away any time soon. However, there are some key wellness trends that you may want to consider incorporating into your health routine.
Plant-based diets and veganism Not only are plant-based diets good for your overall health and well-being, but they are also good for the environment.
Mindfulness and meditation practices Both mindfulness and meditation practices help you regulate your emotions and can help alleviate stress.
Functional fitness and holistic exercise approaches Functional fitness mimic the movements your body makes every day, such as bending down, squatting to pick something up from the floor, lifting heavy grocery bags, sweeping under the table, etc.
Digital detox and unplugging from technology While many physicians recommend you unplug from technology at least an hour before bedtime, it is also advisable to have designated times and days to unplug. Our brains can efficiently process our experiences when we disconnect from technology. Detoxing from technology can also help you feel more inspired and motivated to tackle challenging tasks or obstacles.
Sleep optimization and prioritizing rest We all know that sleep is essential; however, what’s also critical is prioritizing rest over being a workaholic or falling into the traps of hustle culture. Our minds and bodies require rest.
When we prioritize our health and wellness, we are not only taking care of ourselves; we can show up more efficiently for others.
The Role of Wellness in Overall Health
Wellness requires daily practices to improve our mental, physical, and emotional health to allow our bodies to thrive. Health is vital for living a happy, fulfilling, long life. Wellness is important because without maintaining a wellness practice, you are susceptible to diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, weight gain, muscle loss, depression, high blood pressure, and more. Wellness may not be the first thing you think of when drinking a glass of water or making a big salad with dinner. But every little bit adds up.